For most people, their smartphone is their lifeline to the outside world. You can pay your bills on it, read you email on it and, now, use it to save money on your monthly heating and cooling [...]
We understand why you may be skeptical of service agreements. They can sound a lot like the extended warranty on your new TV or Xbox that you get offered at checkout. While those can be helpful [...]
It’s that time of year again in Tallahassee. Hot, balmy days are punctuated with occasional cool and breezy nights. The weather can’t seem to make up its mind, so how are you supposed to decide [...]
Have you ever gotten excited for a product or promotion and made the decision to buy in, only to be told you’re going to have to wait on it? Whether it’s an online deal that you have [...]
If you are familiar with the business world, you may have heard the saying that there’s no way to have a product that is cheap, good quality, and quickly delivered. This idea may have been [...]
As we welcome the summer sun with open arms here in Tallahassee, the greeting comes with a stark reality check that it can get unbearably hot. We know that the heat can lead people to doing crazy [...]
We’ve often talked about the value of worry-free service, so we thought it would be a cool idea to whip up a nice video and give our fans a crash course in why you should take advantage of [...]
Okay, so our beloved Capital City isn’t named after us; but it should be! Jokes aside, we’re sure you’ve noticed that the temperatures have thankfully begun to warm up. This is a sign that [...]
If there is one thing that we can agree on when it comes to living in the North Florida area, it’s the fact that we enjoy some pretty cool temperatures once the cold season arrives. During the [...]
It’s no secret that heating and cooling account for a large portion of energy bills, but what you may not know is that about a third of your heating and cooling expenses could be controlled by [...]