From the President: Spring Means Fresh Starts and Even Fresher Air
From yellow dustings all over cars, to cool mornings and warm afternoons, there is no doubt that spring has officially arrived in North Florida and South Georgia. We hope and pray that you and your family are doing well and staying safe this season, as we optimistically move toward a new sense of normal when it comes to COVID-19 safety regulations and concerns. Even as the COVID-19 vaccine is being introduced in our community and our neighbors and customers are being vaccinated, we are still doing everything in our power to keep you comfortable as safely as possible.
These COVID-19 safety precautions include, but are not limited to, not sending a team member to your home who is exhibiting any signs of illness, offering online payment options to minimize in-person interaction, minimizing the time inside your home, and following the requirements of the Leon County mask mandate as well as recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
So, whether you need a duct cleaning, a unit tune-up, or even a brand-new system (as summer is quickly approaching), our team is here to (safely) serve you any day, anytime, anywhere. If you have any questions about how you can stay comfortable this spring, please call us at 850.580.4029.