Here in North Florida, summertime temperatures run somewhere between hot, real hot and let’s fry-some-eggs-on-the-pavement hot! With heat indices that can reach into the 100s on many days, you [...]
It’s that time of year again in Tallahassee. Hot, balmy days are punctuated with occasional cool and breezy nights. The weather can’t seem to make up its mind, so how are you supposed to decide [...]
As we welcome the summer sun with open arms here in Tallahassee, the greeting comes with a stark reality check that it can get unbearably hot. We know that the heat can lead people to doing crazy [...]
If there is one thing that we can agree on when it comes to living in the North Florida area, it’s the fact that we enjoy some pretty cool temperatures once the cold season arrives. During the [...]
Last summer was the third hottest on record in the United States since 1895, and if you subscribe to global warming, it’s only going to get hotter. Summer in the south is no joke, and it’s [...]
At Barineau, we often receive questions from our customers regarding what preventative measures are worth investing in. While we all want to be smart with our dollars, overlooking routine [...]
The warm seasons in the North Florida and South Georgia area can get pretty heated as we all know. As the temperature starts to climb and we get frantic to cool off, we tend to ignore a few money [...]