From high temperatures to electricity bills, everything seems to be on the rise. Are you looking for a more efficient way to beat the heat and lower costs all year long? Consider making the [...]
SEER, or seasonal energy efficiency ratio, is a rating system used to measure the energy efficiency of a heating and cooling system. The SEER is calculated by the cooling output (BTU) average for [...]
There is nothing more comforting than the feeling of a warm blanket or towel as it comes fresh out of the dryer. But if your dryer vents are dirty or clogged, you will likely face bigger problems [...]
If you live near the beach, you’re probably no stranger to having sand in your home. Whether it’s in your shoes, in the carpet, or on the floor of your car, sand can evade even the most thorough [...]
Nothing feels better than kicking off the new year with a clean home. Cleaning and decluttering is easier said than done, but is a great way to start the year on the right foot. In addition, deep [...]
When most people think of home, they think of a certain smell – whether it’s cookies baking or a fresh load of laundry. During the fall season, you might even think of spicy cinnamon brooms or [...]
Hot and sticky aren’t two words you want to use when describing the inside of your home. Unfortunately, the warm North Florida weather often translates to a familiar foe: humidity. In addition to [...]
When you see or smell smoke inside your home, it’s a clear sign to get your family outside and call 9-1-1, even if you don’t hear the fire alarm. When it comes to carbon monoxide, however, you [...]
If you’ve recently purchased a new home and are living in a construction area, you’ve probably already experienced some noise pollution. The various sounds of a loud construction site can be a [...]
Other than a quick vacuum or a clean-up after a spill, carpet can sometimes be overlooked when it comes to cleaning. But keeping your carpets as clean as possible is a lot more important than you [...]