With concerns about allergies, respiratory health and airborne germs, having cleaner air isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s becoming a must. But how do air purifiers actually work, and what should [...]
Looking to save money and improve your home this year? Start the year off right by upgrading to a new HVAC system that boosts energy efficiency, reduces repair costs and lowers power bills. If [...]
Is your AC unit past its prime? Wondering if it’s time for an AC replacement? HVAC systems generally have a lifespan of 10-15 years. If yours is nearing or past this age range and experiencing [...]
As a homeowner, you always want the best for your home. That includes selecting an HVAC unit that gives you the best quality and the most bang for your buck. Newer HVAC models from Carrier come [...]
When it comes to home comfort, your heating and cooling system is one of the most important purchases you can make. From staying cool in the summer to feeling cozy during the winter months, it’s [...]
While heat pumps are a great solution for homes in the south, they do have a few quirks that might surprise new and seasoned homeowners alike. Is your unit doing something weird? If you’re [...]
Whether you're battling the sweltering heat of summer or trying to combat the dryness of winter, understanding and managing humidity levels can significantly impact your home's comfort, health [...]
Ah, the garage. It’s where you keep your tools and it’s the staging area for household projects. It can also be a brick oven, as hot as 110 degrees in the summertime. You would never think about [...]
Scheduling an annual maintenance check for your heating and cooling system is like going to the dentist or changing your vehicle’s oil. It’s very easy to put off, but you could find yourself in [...]
Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to making decisions about your heating and cooling system. Learning how your system works, and how to take care of it, can help you make smart [...]