Ideal Thermostat Settings for Every Season: Setting Your HVAC in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall
When seasons change, so does the temperature inside your house – and it can be tricky to figure out when to change the settings on your thermostat. Here’s what you need to know to stay comfortable, and take care of your HVAC system, during every season.
Ideal Thermostat Settings: Winter
(Not) Home for the Holidays: How to Set Your HVAC During Vacation
The bags are packed, gifts are wrapped and it’s time to depart for holiday vacation. Did you remember to adjust your thermostat settings? You may wonder if there’s a certain recommended temperature when leaving your home for longer periods. Setting your system at an appropriate temperature can certainly help you save money on electric bills, but there are also safety considerations to think through before you leave home for the holidays.
Using Your Heat Pump in Winter and Other Cold Weather Tips
For Floridians, cold winter weather can feel like a surprise every time it rolls around. From creating the perfect crackling fire to setting your heat pump in winter, it’s important to know how to use different warming devices properly to avoid safety hazards and keep your home and family safe.
How To Save Energy During the Holidays
The holiday season is full of surprises, but your electric bill shouldn’t be one of them. From twinkle lights to holiday baking, you might find that this time of year comes with an increase in electricity use. That means an increase in your electric bill as well. There are a few things you can do, however, to keep your home running as efficiently as possible.
Ideal Thermostat Settings: Spring
Welcome Spring Weather With These Home Comfort Tips
The fresh spring air may tempt you to throw open your windows but remember – spring also brings a few unwelcome guests, including pollen and humidity. Knowing how much fresh air to let into your home, and in turn, how to manage your home comfort system, is essential.
Spring Cleaning: A Guide To Improving Air Quality and Creating a Toxin-Free Home
As you progress through the winter, you may have noticed that the dust has settled, literally. Your home sees a lot of indoor activity through the winter, and as dust builds up, it can leave the surfaces of your home in need of a thorough scrub. Spring is a great time to open the windows in your home and complete that full, deep clean that you’ve been putting off.
Ideal Thermostat Settings: Summer
Thermostat Settings for Summer: Keep the Air on When Away From Home
You’re about to head off to work for the day and won’t return home until the evening. Spring is giving way to summer and the temperature and humidity are rising. So, before you walk out the door, you ask yourself, “Should I turn up the thermostat a few degrees so that it clicks on less often during the day or should I just turn off the air conditioner completely?”
Summer Survival Guide: How To Save On Your Air Conditioning Bill
As the temperature soars this time of year in Florida, so does the demand on our air conditioning systems. Has the cost of running your AC left you feeling the heat in your bank account? In this blog, we’ll guide you through a variety of smart and effective ways to save on your air conditioning bill without sacrificing your indoor comfort.
Your Summer HVAC Questions, Answered
Summertime and the living is easy… with the help of a good air conditioning system. During the summer months, many homeowners have questions about their air conditioning system – especially if it is not cooling as expected. Here are a few common summer HVAC questions and what to do when a problem needs to be addressed.
Getting Ready for Summer? Don’t Forget Your Ceiling Fan
As you’re making your preparations for the warmer months, don’t forget one important home adjustment – the setting of your ceiling fans! Believe it or not, the spin direction on your ceiling fan should change from season to season.
Ideal Thermostat Settings: Fall
How to Cool Your House (For a Little While) Without Electricity
From heatwaves that tax the power grid to heavy thunderstorms from the United States’ third most thunderstorm prone city, Tallahassee residents are no strangers to temporary power outages. Most power outages last only a few hours but can still leave you feeling the heat. So, if the electricity in your house is temporarily down, here’s what you can do to keep your house at least a little more comfortable and cool.
Protecting Your Air Conditioner in a Hurricane
While you’re boarding up windows and stockpiling canned goods and water, also think about protecting your air conditioner during a hurricane. Keep reading to find out what precautions you should take in the event of a hurricane or other severe weather.
How To Avoid Heating and Air Conditioning Tricks This Halloween
From preventive maintenance to energy-saving strategies, safety precautions and even eco-friendly Halloween decorations, we’ve got it all covered. Here are some tips and insights to ensure that heating and air conditioning tricks and blunders don’t ruin your autumn experience.
Changing Seasons
3 Ways To Keep Your Home Comfortable During Seasonal Changes
With the changing of the seasons comes those in-between days of wildly varying temperatures, and it can be difficult to make sure your home is not too hot, not too cold, but just right. Here’s a guide to keeping your home comfortable without confusing your home comfort system.
Cooling Upstairs and Downstairs in a Two-Story Home
If you own a two-story home, you’ve probably experienced this common scenario: Upstairs, it feels stuffy and hot, so you crank the AC higher and higher, but everyone downstairs is wearing a jacket in the middle of summer.
Trust the Home Comfort Experts
With Barineau Heating and Air Conditioning’s Total Comfort Service Program, you can save time, money and effort while keeping your HVAC in great working order.
At $109 per year, the Blue Plan (which includes one 28-point inspection) only costs $20 more than a one-time tune-up, with benefits that quickly pay for themselves. In addition, signing up for an annual plan removes the burden of having to remember annual maintenance appointments.
Time is money, and we want to help you make the most of yours during every season. Save on both by signing up for the Total Comfort Service Program today or click here to chat with a home comfort specialist.